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Kemono Development and Discussion
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My Kemono site is acting weird for some reason. When I clicked on any updated artists, it just says "Error". I wonder what is going on.
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is there a way to make gallery-dl use the old API?


Errors with status 5xx are server errors. They have nothing to do with adblock or anything you do really.


update: now it works again and it's not asking me to disable ADBlock, so maybe it was a temporary thing or a mistake


It's not asking me to disable adblock anymore but is still only saying "displaying cached artists" has been for over 24 hours now so I assume it's on my end


>[kemonoparty][error] An unexpected error occurred: KeyError - 'service'.
gallery dl still not working for me anyone else?

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Raindrop no longer shows previews from bookmarked kemono pages

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Anyone noticed artists using this annoying announce bot thing to circumvent the discord scraper? Anyone know a way around this?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Sorry just saw this, but here. https://kemono.su/discord/server/1210613200874242158

If you're in the discord it shows as a normal post, but on Kemono it shows as a dead link.



Notably stuff like the password channels are still unusable.


wtf is a password channel? Never ran into something like that


Guy keeps his passwords in a separate channel from his uploads. No clue why.


Update to this, the dropbox links now work correctly, but the passworss still don't embed.

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June banned me from Matrix due to a small difference in opinions, it was nothing major and less than 3 words, but apparently June felt that it warranted a ban. (which I find kind of childish but whatever, that's beside the point)

But now kemono.su refuses to work (even less than it normally does).
- searching artists = broken
- looking at favorites = nope
- finding posts = in your dreams

Or is this merely a coincidence?


no one cares :)


Then why comment
the math aint mathing


Turns out it was just a poorly timed coincidence.


did the favorites thing get fix for you?


Well it's working for me now, idk if it's updating or not, but I can see my favorites.

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What to do when images failed to be enlarged?

Some posts in Kemono have images that I can click on to enlarge, but then sometimes it would just refuse to enlarge no matter how many times I refresh the page, despite other images in the same 'post' being enlarged just fine.


That means the image is no bigger than the preview.



So image no1 can be enlarged fine, but no2 can't, no3 is fine, no 456 fail to enlarge, and no7 enlarges fine is completely normal?

X to doubt


You didn't provide the link to the problematic post, so I'd say yes, working as intended.



I didnt provide link because this is happening on EVERY link. Literally could be clicking on random search and go in to try and enlarge and sometimes it would enlarge fine then sometimes it just wont. There doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason as to why some work and some don't.


Well it doesn't happen to me, so clearly it doesn't happen "randomly".
Post a fucking link you fucking retard.

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Favorite posts might not be working right now. Will click so I can go to the second page of my favorite posts but it still only shows the first page of favorited posts


Between this and the sidebar continually popping up and blocking me from clicking shit, the site is effectively broken. Please stop doing whatever you're doing and roll back.

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For a post created on 11/14/24 I tried passwords like 321241114 and 3212414 and anything else that could be interpreted as the formula from this page but nothing worked does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?


This method used to work for archives, it must be something different for mega


Could you explain what this means? Bunch of posts that are password locked on mega or zips/rars. There's a way to find passwords for those?

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go to inc/config.php and enable some basic vichan javascript like
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/inline-expanding.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/style-select.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-backlinks.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-own-posts.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/show-op.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/hide-threads.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/expand.js';
$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/quick-reply.js';
and add some styles like
$config['stylesheets']['Dark'] = 'dark.css';
tomorrow https://pastebin.com/raw/xrTHqajb
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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ok i know that it said do not repeat this, but even after i turned off all my extensions i still could not login


same :(

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hello, I'm using gallery-dl to archive creators from kemono and coomer, I seem to have accidentally over run bandwidth and been restricted, getting a 443 error. It seems to have gone away but I don't want this to happen again and want to take steps to make sure I avoid it in the future.

I can also answer questions about my gallery-dl process if you want to know.


this fork (abandoned unfortunately) downloads 1 file at a time i never got banned
it's kind of shitty but works
>I can also answer questions about my gallery-dl process if you want to know.
what's your command line of choice to download?


the ratelimiting is automatic, it will never be a permanent ban.


Just change your gallerydl config file like this to add a timeout between each download
"sleep": 10

See https://gdl-org.github.io/docs/configuration.html


I use git bash usually,but lately I've been splitting off the command
I SSH into my file server and "split off" the command and send its output to a log

./master_bash.sh >> output.log 2>&1 &

I store all the creators I follow in a database and build a bash script with all of the downloads.

I may experiment with the kemono scraper, the gallery-dl one doesn't re-download everything but causes a ton of network requests, which can (apparently) get you limited


I've started adding a sleep request,

"sleep-request": [2.0, 4.8],

I may change it to sleep, but both seem to work fine, do you use 10 seconds? it would take forever with all I'm trying to download.

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