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Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

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Some creator lock their content behind a 3rd party with password which only obtainable by seeing the collection thumbnail like the picture I show, any plan on implement it?


Probably not but they should

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I’ve seen some updates on artists I like lately, but they’ve only been free content, which makes me feel a little disappointed. Now I go to KEMONO every day, click on the artist page, close it, and hope that one day there will be something different.
19 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Some artists who paint scat have still received updates. I hope importers can notice Kankurou, or importers before September 2023 can return.


I am more curious, this artist has a Fanbox on KEMONO, and even a damaged Fantia, but I can't find his Patreon here, is it because no one has imported it, or is it because I used the wrong name to search?


His patreon is here
Should I search for SKYLOUNGEGARDEN or tomoya kankouou or something else on KAMONO?
Because the search on Fantia is 友屋勘九郎, not kankurou, so I want to confirm whether there is something wrong with my search method


Probably no one imports it


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Hi, does anyone know how the user 虚子 sets passwords for his files? I think it's related to the images but I have no clues.

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What the fuck is wrong with these imports? Why some of them show up fine, while others are just FUCKING GONE?


Which ones are empty or gone? Kemono doesn't delete anything so they can't be gone.


The ones with missing image thing are mostly nonexistant. I believe "Sleepy Utage" shows two small pictures, but the rest just aren't there. I tried extracting the images straight from the page code, but it just shows the 16×16 missing image pic even in the server designation. The interesting thing is – only this artists page seems to have this problem.


I was able to download an Image from this guy once, but the images colors were all inverted.


how were you able to download the inverted images


If you click on the broken image icon and then download the whole page, you'll get pics with proper resolution. They are corrupted and cannot be viewed, but still

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When clicking any of the links it seems the videos are on private.
Anybody has an updated link or something? Please
I'm not sure if it's against the rules to ask this, but asking anyways.

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Or can someone tell me how to unlock mega password?


There's nothing you can do. The password can be in community chat (kemono doesn't have access), discord (someone needs to import) or DM (same as discord).

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If anyone happens to see this, and is looking for the zip password for Dreiko's Patreon.
I'll put the password here (Tried putting the password through Kemono but nothing happened).
January 2025: P@4cD!yL6^zQ
February 2025 : W@6cD^nL4*zQ

The above is as far as I got, and for Patreon with Ultra Booba tier.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Some posts don't have zip files.Is it because you don't have access to them?


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Man whoever is importing PS-AI please share the images on Ex-hentai the link is not available on kemono there is no point of importing it here if its not available.


the password for Ultra Booba

God Booba tier
January 2025 : M&2bJ%oV8#xT
Februari 2025 : W@6cD^nL4*zQ


>Some posts don't have zip files.Is it because you don't have access to them?

I believe Ultra booba which is the tier I'm in now has access to all the content so it's most likely not


Passwords January 2025

Booba: Xv9@rT!pL#3m
Super: qZ5$gN^kY*7w
God: M&2bJ%oV8#xT
Ultra: P@4cD!yL6^zQ

Passwords February 2025

Booba: R#7mX^pL@9qZ
Super: T%3bJ!oV8&yK
God: W@6cD^nL4*zQ

Passwords March 2025

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dear lord MEOW I know u are reading this I beg thee to please do something about the community chat . There must be a way to import those things here like the DMs or announcement tab
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


even AI slopers "artists" are doing it kek


Imagine being desperate to pirate slop in 2025. You can shit out those things without even trying with a fucking refurbished Pentium. Do people connect from a stolen phone in Ghana or something?



You know, it's not just AI sloppers hiding stuff in there though.

This is a real problem and it'll only get more widespread.


You have a point. I'm seeing new artists being imported with all content protected by a password in commmunity chat.



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Anyone know how to download Wanuze's sets? The posts on kemono dont have a link. Thanks!


He's putting everything in this post, but the link is outdated.

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I've seen them come up on multiple creators, and the links never work.


It's a referer issue. See: >>52442

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