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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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the c6 server has been having issues for the last 2 days either fully down or mostly down with a 3kb transfer rate leading to eventual file failure after about 400kb


Best thing to do is to download ProtonVPN. It's free and drastically improves download speed for Kemono.



It's still a hit or miss if you're only using the free tier, but in some cases (which is most of the time), it's certainly better.


Same here, but for me it's c4 that's having issues


Yup same issue here, anything that wants to open the C6 server fails to do so.


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VPN or Tor has no impact because it's not an ISP issue.

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Can anyone explain why do content creators appear in a piracy website, are they real person or just fake? Are They supporting ppl take their hard work for free. I m so confused the what's the point that they create a patreon or donate website something account jeez


Does anyone know why, for the past year or so, it has been literally impossible to watch a video? even 10/20 megabyte videos take more than 5-10 minutes to load…
The site itself loads almost instantaneously, so I assume they have a CDN somewhere in Europe, but loading the videos… oh my god, we're talking kilobytes, even BYTES per second on a good day! It's not my connection, I have 300/400 mbps.
Is it a known issue ?

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Is there any plan to share Booth's content with the kemono Party?

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Are there plans to implement ko-fi?


so…. just gonna hijack this topic insteada makin another…

how do you get at deviantart subscription content? its kinda gay how often im running into this, especially considering deviantart is a horrendously unoptimised garbage pit.

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This person has placed all his files in a mega link and needs to post a comment asking for it to get the password to the mega. kemono is not currently showing this string of passwords in private messages, so can somebody share this string of passwords?(Bump it one more time and im locking it.)
13 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how hard is it to get One password man
ive been waiting



even doe dms can be imported


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>do NOT bump the furry porn password begging thread on our barely 1 post per day furry porn pirating board
>OR ELSE I will be forced to heckin LOCK IT


Good God why are is this place such a shit-storm
Stop arguing and post passwords ffs

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Is is possible to hide all AI stuff, at least on the "search" page ?

half the stuff is just AI stuff that doesn't interest me the slightlest


I think we just need to accept the fact that AI slop has taken over everything and people are willing to pay people to make AI slop for some reason
Even google search/images is flooded with AI shit


sadly agree


That's one of the reasons why the initial reaction against it was so harsh, because people could sense it was going to propagate out of sheer laziness and convenience.

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Patreon uploads are down again


They've been down since Friday.


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riyal when will it get fixed

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So, can you hide the "artist" page such as TWFProduction and TheWriteFiction because both of them doesn't interest me.

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Is c6 server currently have problems? i keep getting "interrupted: network error" or low bandwidth (~5kb/s). Other server like c1 -> c5 worked fine for me

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