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Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

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I cannot log in


Adblock is blocking it.


You and me both, though the login error I get is slightly different.


You get a different error because the reason is different.


Finally solved it, but one question: WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, I HATE ADS


just whitelist kemono login instead of turning off adblock entirely?

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This artist is still making lots of content, but it has been more than a year since he has been updated in kemono.


its up to people who subscribe to their patreon to import/reimport content.


who cares. shit art.

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I wanted to ask if anybody knows the current password for the stash?



The password is Black niggers. You're welcome.

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My new year's wish is the dead of AI Slop in the importer <3

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[75p + 25p Tattoos]

Purple Tattoos!!

Character Commission. Wedding theme/style.



she has 15 fingers, please kill yourself immediately you retarded slop eater niggercattle.


Fuck you faggot OP.


Nobody is gonna buy your shitty AI slop, Learn to draw you fag.

Kill yourself.


how do I get the password for it? I don't see "All Tier" anywhere

PC Users: Please check "Community" tab on left side > "All Tiers" tab chat for password.


I'm gonna generate pepe pictures and you're going to commission them.

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Are Login failures still persisting?

Already lost access to one “account” with 100’s of favourites months ago because the site told me wrong username or password constantly. Just registered again now and attempting to login and the API is telling me it’s also the wrong username/password which it isn’t.
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if you got ublock origin or any adblocker, have you tried temporarily whitelisting kemono then try logging in again?


>ublock origin
>whitelisting kemono
yes this. add:
to your filters if using ublock


You didn't mention browser version.
For that to happen someone has to know his login and password, and the auth endpoint is rate-limited anyway.
That's not an error caused by adblock.


same dude who posted about ublock origin

anyways, when i was having login errors, i scrambled to find out what the fuck was causing it, and apparently, it was ublock origin. all i had to do was either whitelist kemono entirely (temporarily), or turn ublock off (again, temporarily) and try logging in, and it worked.

but since you say it wasn't an adblock/ublock issue, can i assume you tried it and got the same error anyway?


Oh my god im not the only one. Ive made three accounts because i cant log in. i am copy and pasting my log in info so i know for a fact im not miss spelling anything

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Is there a way to download a videos
from vimeo player or just the default link ? im new on the topic and spent some time to get no result for downloading them, google extencions aren't working, or im just not using the right ones


kys plz thx


no i would not, regards

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Hay does anyone know why Epub is not working and does anyone has any other alt for ebubs?


wtf do you mean bro


Learn how to fucking speak English jackass.

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So I noticed that when two creators were updated on my favourites list, the one nearer to the beginning of the alphabet came first.

Is this a coincidence or is this how the importer works?

Just asking because I'm waiting for a creator who's name is further down the alphabet…


fuck niggers bro


on your favourites whenever a creator is reimported and updated, by default kemono sorts by the newest update. so if you have X and Y favourited, and Y got updated, Y will show at the top until X is updated. you can filter/sort by newest post date(latest update), favourited date(when you favourited), and reimport date as well as ascending or descending.

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Hi. Does anyone know the password required for the Tabakowayame's ZIP files downloaded from MEGA? I can't find anything of the sorts.



>AI slop creator
>you have to pay to see the slop
>you need password to see the slop
>there are retards out there who legitimately go out of their way to try and see your slop

humanity has failed


People just need more motivation to stop throwing away money and encouraging this mental disorder. It's not even compulsive spending at this point.


I genuinely cannot comprehend this. It's as if some people had zero artistic taste, as if every kind of shitty art just looked more or less the same to them and they just so happened to find this specific slop creator and subbed to it. I can't think of any other explanation. There are hundreds of excellent artists out there.

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