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Why don't imports get autotagged based on what tier they are, so I can filter search them? there's almost nothing but free tier (all users) postings being imported from fanbox lately, with paid stuff getting largely ignored, and to see what's paid and what's a worthless repost of free content I need to go on the fanbox and compare shit, it's inconvenient as fuck


You go to the search interface, Sort by, Date Updated, and then the order below is basically paid. Free ones will only appear in your favorites, and this search method will not appear.


what the shit are you talking about. Sorting is not possible on a creator page and my main problems is that it's not possible to filter free tier from paid tier

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any way to upload the actual video file instead of the vimeo link because they block access unless youre already subscribed to them
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Not the one whos posting them but they switched off vimeo to iframe.mediadelivery and all i can see is a 403 forbidden


I don't know if you already tried changing the referer, but if you haven't, then try that.


I have not how do you do that??


File: 1741449614949.jpg (194.39 KB, 1216x1600, F-Wx-BcWsAAk7Hg.jpg)

1. Install Violentmonkey extension

2. Copy/paste this entire script into the extension: https://pastebin.com/MzcCpcKa


will it work on tampermonkey?

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Currently we can flag Patreon, Pixiv Fanbox (etc.) posts for reimport.
It would be nice to have the same feature for Discord servers because a lot of uploaders import new Patreon posts but forget to reimport the linked Discord (needed to access the paywalled content).

Because of that, people ask for updates here, instead of having a way to do it directly on kemono.


Where should I go to confirm a flagged post?


sorry, this is not happening because it would require meow to do something. I, cobbler, proudly fight for meow's right to keep taking estrogen nonstop.
i gotta go, my wife's bull is asking me to serve as his footstool again


Currently as an uploader you mean? If so, I don't know, I just a broke consumer of paywalled content, I never uploaded anything to kemono.
All I know is the feature is here and is used, I don't know what it does afterwards.

I'm impressed by your ability to handle the weight of a 700+ kg bovine.


>a lot of uploaders import new Patreon posts but forget to reimport the linked Discord
oh, the naivety



Why? Because it doesn't work?

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i thought pixiv importer was back


So we have one of two situations here:
1. You are trying to subtly request an update without getting banned.
2. You're one of those retards who thinks if the one particular artist you follow hasn't been updated that means the importer must be broken.

So which is it? Are you breaking the rules, or are you retarded?


not being ass, but a good untold amount of pixiv fanbox are still not updated yet.


No fucking shit. Doesn't mean the importer is down. Do you know how many Patreon accounts haven't been updated in months/years? Tons.


the importer works fine, you retard, it's just that no one cares enough about your loli gooner porn to upload it


You can try nekohouse as an alternative for pix imports.

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Hi, long-time Kemono user here. I was trying to view the latest works of djunderground123, except when I clicked on the MEGA links, it took me to an error page saying that the link was invalid.

My guess is that the user updates their links regularly, presumably to avoid Patreon leaks. Well, it's certainly working.

Now I'll have to wait until either someone updates the links, or the content is publicly posted outside of Patreon.

(Note that this is NOT a request for content, merely something I've noticed.)
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Unfortunately, I think the only solution is to keep flagging the posts and pray for whoever is importing the posts to hit the mark at least once.


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Bad news, I don't think that's gonna work either…


The fucker mentioned he's posting all his rewards in his Discord server. Importing that server is the only real solution in this case.


I agree. I'd do it myself, but due to circumstances I'm not comfortable getting into, I'm not allowed to use Patreon.


>whoever is importing the posts
The importer is importing the posts. Patreon accounts can be set to auto-import.

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I gotta ask because I just keep seeing this shit and it's basically been years now; Are the people who add/update a Patreon user who exclusively posts cropped previews with a "heh, le monthly stuff just dropped you know where ;^), don't le forget to link your patreon to your le discord :D" without EVER importing the Discord itself just trolls or are they legitimate fourth-world niggerlicious gorilla mongoloids?
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Every site has its own role. Kemono takes the work out of saving every single post for the price of your login cookie. Why would Meow go through the trouble of doing what F95zone does already? Those other sites also backup what is uploaded here. In the grand pirated porn ecosystem, many depend on what Kemono does.

Meow doesn't care they exist. There's no conspiracy stopping manual uploads, just it's already too much work for them to maintain the automated solutions they already have.


this would make sense if he was actually trying to do stuff. but he isn't. he acts with hostility towards anyone trying to make the site better or help him.


I remember some time ago Meow complained because all the programmers he was trying to hire to help him with Kemono were giving him ChatGPT/AI generated answers about programming. Can't fucking blame him for reacting hostile with others after that shitty experience.


No sane human being would be willing to work on something that is a big bunch of servers held together with snot and cum since 2021. Insanity requirements must be really high.


3 niggers

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>click on post
>there is a link to a video
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there was a way of doing this with the referer control extension, i dont have my phone where that "formula" was in but in another vimeo thread there was the instructions of how to do it


was hoping someone could create a script for tamper monkey or violent monkey to help with this issue


So what do you do with the "privacy error" thing


If the referrer trick doesn't work you're kinda fucked


File: 1741420910441.png (338.11 KB, 742x447, Fbva3XWUEAAziwP.png)

1. Install Violentmonkey extension

2. Copy/paste this entire script into the extension: https://pastebin.com/MzcCpcKa

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Hi, can someone show me again how to use (Referer Control)? I want to see the videos from (https://kemono.su/patreon/user/8997253) but I don't remember how to use Referer Control. If someone gives me an example of what the command or code was like, I would be grateful and if you use the recently referred user, the example would be better.
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OK, I've found something that seems to work - "Video DownloadHelper" (the one recommended on the Firefox Extensions page)

You have to jump through a few hoops to get it to work, as you need to install its "companion app" to download the format used by Vimeo. But it gets the job done?


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I confirmed that you can download using Video DownloadHelper on fire fox. referer control and redirector are the same as the chrom version. vimeo downloader is available at https://addons. I used mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/awesome-vimeo-downloader/. With these 4 extensions you can download with firefox.
It seems that the referer control was incorrectly configured. Please do as shown in the image.



looks like the extension is unsupported now, any alternative suggestions?


I usually use the –referer argument. I'm not sure if they're the same under the hood, but it might be worth a try.

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i subbed to a fantia artist for 500 jpy a month from device "a" then i logged into fantia on device "b" to get its session id and still have its tab open
so i go here to kemono.su and log imto my acc there and try to import my copied session id from fantia into the import keys page
ten minutes passed and i still see same message "status fetching, wait until logs load" so i wanna know what the fuck is going on


The Fantia importer has been down for two years.


go to the nekohouse next door

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