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> Artists are starting to switch to Subscribestar
> Subcribestar Importer has been dead for a long time
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The state of porn criminalization in the west is sad, and what's worse is Asia is westernizing itself too as if censorship wasn't bad enough. Artists in there have been putting "we consent/we're over 18/21" on every single picture in fear of getting banned for "pixel rape"… The "we consent" chibi thing is cute at first but after a while it becomes a meme and after long enough it gets really annoying.


Imagine thinking that the crackdowns are some sort of moral crusade rather than just capitalism working as intended.


and the hellstorm of AI


Also add the MS Paint edits and drawings that should've stayed in 2010.


lmsketch newest stuff is on discord because patreon is full of lovejoys

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My AI hoes are waiting to jump on my dick.
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Simps with too much money to burn pay for anything they're too lazy to do. It completely destroys how things work and makes creators ridiculously greedy for support.

Thankfully there are creators who don't give a shit about paywalls or don't let it get to them.


If they weren't on patreon it woulda been great. You can make the best lolis and zoo with ai but patreon prohibits any of the good stuff.


Why not use your local machine? Unless you live in a shithole blabbering about AI ethics you can generate dogs fucking and mutilating children and nobody will give a damn.

Or just generate corpses and label it the horrors of war. It's educational and important for people to remember that wars are tragic and cause much suffering. If Patreon refuses that then they're just being hypocrites and criminals themselves, they're already allowing certain political actors to spread propaganda and actively encouraging the distribution of war journals from a certain perspective. As long as it's the narrative they want, it's free speech.


Demibot, uoooh,and Sealouse make much better shit that i've ever been able to make myself (and better than 90% of """real""" artists, as well).
Thats like asking why are people buying drawings when they can draw stuff themselves. sure you might say making good stuff is easier with ai than a pencil, but some people will still have better technique than others and that brings value.


for one thing, none of my 10yo pcs or ultra light laptops even *can* generate anything with reasonable speed
there are free online sites that you can use, but often with the hassle of rate or workflow limits
and even if i could generate anything i want, deciding what i want is easier by browsing a gallery of "samples" than figuring out all the models, loras, controlnets and prompts on my own.
of course, said galleries could be free instead of paywalled. most of the stuff i like actually comes from pixiv. its actually too bad photorealistic generations are banned on it, cos the alternatives where they aren't (deviantart, civitai) are way worse in organization and ease of finding good stuff.
but every so often an artist on those free galleries also paywalls some of his stuff. hey, if it works for them, why bash it? people pay for even stupider stuff after all - like just for watching someone play a game, or even just chat and act stupid. how is this any worse?
and even then i'm not paying for it - i'm on this site after all right? but it wouldn't work if someone didn't pay, so be glad.

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I gotta ask because I just keep seeing this shit and it's basically been years now; Are the people who add/update a Patreon user who exclusively posts cropped previews with a "heh, le monthly stuff just dropped you know where ;^), don't le forget to link your patreon to your le discord :D" without EVER importing the Discord itself just trolls or are they legitimate fourth-world niggerlicious gorilla mongoloids?
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bump because I just saw this shit happen again in the fucking frontpage


Reminder that some Indog scum is ready to be retarded and spill the beans


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>artist only sends MEGA links through DM's, every month
>check DM section (if there's any)
>sparse DM's of random months of 2021/2022/2023
>months or years of DM's missing
>BUT the Patreon posts themselves are perfectly up to date, always
It HAS to be trolling and/or reverse advertisement from the artists himself, 100%

I refuse to believe contributors actually "forget" to upload DM's or the Discord channels 75% of the time.


To add to this indeed, some of the more popular creators have their Discords updated alongside the fanbox/patreon. You could be onto something here.

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Why does the link to threezxc's MEGA archive not work sometimes? Does it keep changing or something?


Threezxc now puts the archive link in 'community chats'. I don't know if an option exists to import them. People importing them could always just copy the link and edit the archive post but they don't.

Same sort of thing with Magnetus, except people simply aren't importing the archive links.

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yo this community chat shit becoming a real ass problem several artists are sharing the passwords to mega links there.


Heard it would be implemented next month on the 30th, so only one month and a half to go.


February has 30 days now?


woosh… it will be implemented the next superleap year, duh

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captchas were just a simple single-click verification
>fast forward to now
captchas ask for you to do the "select stairs" bullshit and they'll often make you do it 3 times in a row

Fuck niggers bro. Make the captcha normal again, this is so annoying
Also make it have a damn grace period so you don't have to do this bullshit for every single post


no lol



>literally the reason captchas exist unless you're deaf and blind
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, thanks

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Is there any way to somehow receive notifications of new posts or changes to old posts from a particular author? Some authors change the link to their archives some time after importing them into kemono. That makes the links that are still left on Kemono just not work, I would like to know immediately about importing a change or adding a post to quickly download it before the author changes the link
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That attitude isn't going to get you much help.


im not op autist


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What’s the point of updates. If the importer literally posts the existent post, without attached the locked files from other websites. Again why the importer didn’t manually import the files too?


ok retards


Because they can't
Do you even know how scraping works?

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Why hasn't Cobbler been banned already? He's been posting everything from the goatse to dicks. Wtf meow?
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>namefagging because he chose a post title
impeccable reasoning saar


Kindly do the needful and read the post right above, point 2. Have a wonderful day, saar.


this is not reddit saar please quote when you're trying to answer something that isn't the original post


>He has a history of retardation
i miss That cobbler. the old true solid cobbler, not this fucking overly edgy know it all liquid cobbler



Saar, I love big black niggers raping my tight little asshole at night when im asleep.

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when are you going to show us that you've got a copy of yiff.party

or did you lie?
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They are not lying. As >>48013 said, they do have a backup of Yiff.party, though I do not know how big it is. I know they've said it's 2 TB but I only managed to see a few folders that were share through Google Drive long time ago, probably around the end of 2022. I can't remember when I accessed it.
To be honest, I don't remember if they have the posts' info but they kept images. I don't know if they scraped videos and other files such as .blend, .fla, .psd or others
Ranting about it or calling them liars will obviously not make the sysadmin(s) push the merge obviously, so now the best we can do is wait and hope it happens, if ever. We can only hope.


But you lie all the time, you fucking tranny of an admin.

Now you're reddit typing and being a brony because you think it'll stop people from knowing that you're samefagging.

Cut the bullshit and start merging yiff.party because you've been saying you'll do it every day since the day you made this website public or admit that you were lying.


Jesus someone spam 500 CP posts in this thread already. Nobody cares about yiff, it's DEAD along with the people who run it and good riddance. Less furries roaming the Internet.

>trans hating

Leave trans people alone with your bs.


4/10 bait


i would've said you're baiting if you weebs weren't real

you are literally the dumbest subhumans on the planet

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its probably not the way i'm doing it…
this is unsustainable if the number of images gets a bit higher


You can post up to 500 images in a thread until it stops bumping, just not in rapid succession unless you switch IPs every time. Probably better to post them on /b/ though.


Post more if you got 'em!


Despite the patreon watermark/ad, these are from the artist's pixiv.


He usually posts two free pics per character there - one clothed and one less so. I'm curious how many are actually on his patreon - would love to have a ton more of that Sonya Blade for example.


you should kys


Wow going from helpful to toxic in a single post, bipolar much? What keyword triggered you, or was it just that time of the month?

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