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Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

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How do we get updated links for blue borschts archives, the passwords are getting updated on reimport of this post https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/92843119/post/6675731
But the archive links are in the discord server, which he says he changes often, I don’t think discord message edits are updated so does anyone have updated links?
41 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i only downloaded the 4000 pack and it's only part of the files from 2022 and 2023?


It's split in half, silly, download the rest.


"Unavailable for legal reasons"


Hopefully someone got both files (I only got the 4000) and upload them to torrent.


While we wait for Borscht to produce another month or two of content, I'll take a moment to remind everyone of BLVEFO9, who does similar artwork, who has an annual archive tier called "ANGELS", updated every time new works release, and the password never changes. Someone updated the discord May 25th, which gives the link to the 2024 archive, but no one has imported the Fanbox since February, which would give us the May2024-April2025 password.


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 No.39958[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Have you tried KeePassXC yet?
For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>39209
450 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I love shit and eating it. I like to stick my fingers in my asshole and smell it.


I'm a retard, this is not a bug. It's just how my mind works it is not a bug no matter what.



We can't afford to NOT do anything about it!

Do whatever it takes. Enough is enough.


So Patreon collections are not imported?


Yeah, I kind of noticed that was also the case for like… the majority of my favorited artists. Hell, some of them haven’t been updated like… since February. It’s weird and a bit frustrating, since one of their latest updates didn’t even include everything.

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Can someone know the passwords for https://kemono.su/patreon/user/74966791 ?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.



Basedecoder64 does nothing, please provide further instructions


Let me rephrase that and come off as an asshole with a request. on their kemono, december's, feb's, march's and april's p/w's are posted, but not of other months. any chance the first replying anon has January's password?


I added the password for January's files


thank you so much mate


does that look like a 64 encoded string to you? those are always mostly alphanumeric, with '='s only at the end (if present at all)
certainly not a string of more than 2 different special characters with = in the middle

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Gumroad is probably dead, but this guy still uploads stuff.
Anyone knows a way to get it?


Yeah, buy it, then give your session key to the importer to bring it in.

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Will the gumroad importer ever come back or de we all have to accept that it is dead now?


The importer is fine, it's gumroad that's dead. They decided they don't want nsfw stuff, probably because MasterVisa wanted them to pay higher fees, so creators aren't posting new stuff there.

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This guy https://kemono.su/patreon/user/94794272 started putting monthly passwords on his files. Please share them here.
36 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


May password?


why does the march password, "prinz31" not work with the 7z from "march requests part 2" ? i've tried both revisions of the post and neither work


nevermind, i am fucking retarded, that file uses the april password "kira89"


Does anyone know May and June password?


Nvm, looks like you don't need password for May/June

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I just found this awesome tool to automatize my "archiving activities".
Is there a way to only grab urls to posts that are search results for the kemono post search? I guess adding "?q=xyz" at the end of a kemono site url doesn't technically change the site, so JD grabs all posts, ignoring the search filter entirely. I don't know how to fetch the post title to maybe set up a rule in JD either, I am not sure if that's even possible before JD accepts the link.
Those are my thoughts, please tell me how to do it!

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I don't know how complicated it would be to implement it, but it would awesome to sort a post search by date. Like starting with the recent stuff and going to the old stuff with the search phrase. Again I don't know how much that would mess with the service, but it would be a cool quality of life change.


that and or highlighting what's newly imported for favorited users


Unless the site runs on spaghetti code, it actually should not take more than a couple of hrs at a maximum.


So … who wants to tell this guy?

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Can anyone explain why do content creators appear in a piracy website, are they real person or just fake? Are They supporting ppl take their hard work for free. I m so confused the what's the point that they create a patreon or donate website something account jeez


Those comments are imported from the original post.

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the c6 server has been having issues for the last 2 days either fully down or mostly down with a 3kb transfer rate leading to eventual file failure after about 400kb


Best thing to do is to download ProtonVPN. It's free and drastically improves download speed for Kemono.



It's still a hit or miss if you're only using the free tier, but in some cases (which is most of the time), it's certainly better.


Same here, but for me it's c4 that's having issues


Yup same issue here, anything that wants to open the C6 server fails to do so.


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VPN or Tor has no impact because it's not an ISP issue.

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