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real rape and sadism.

48 links to films, 25 gb.



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Asking why no one is updating pixiv fanbox of various artist nowdays?

being waiting for months already
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>>51207 Where's this "somewhere else"? Every time I try to look up paywalled anything the best I get are reposts of Kemono content.


Fanbox importer hasn't been working for months. There's naught to do but wait for the fucker running the site to fix it.
Nekohouse finally fixed their galleries so you can actually view what their importer pulls… But then the importer died.


based megasage.


there's no "somewhere else" and we don't talk about bullshit chinese forums that require you to grind rep to unlock post


The importer is fixed

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Okay so twice this creators stuff SAYS its been updated, but when you go to see the posts, its still the same stuff from the beginning of the month (the 3rd). And their patreon shows more posts were made since then. Thoughts?


Thoughts are you might need your vision checked, very first posts are the latest ones.

I'll stop importing if people keep bitching without even checking the posts, all that stuff is draining me dry, not worth the money and looks like it was made by toddlers and all you get is freeloaders complaining after favoriting it over 9000 times without even saying thank you to us people who pay for it. Fuck it.


Sorry, im not trying to complain or anything i just thought it was odd that even when the thumbnail said it was updated, the posts in it werent there. I thought there might have been some kind of technical issue with it. Legit there werent any new posts when I checked them. I am really appreciative of the people who upload these beleive me. And I understand its not cheap or easy, sorry if I offended in any way.

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Does anyone know what password he uses on his files?

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I gotta ask because I just keep seeing this shit and it's basically been years now; Are the people who add/update a Patreon user who exclusively posts cropped previews with a "heh, le monthly stuff just dropped you know where ;^), don't le forget to link your patreon to your le discord :D" without EVER importing the Discord itself just trolls or are they legitimate fourth-world niggerlicious gorilla mongoloids?
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bump because I just saw this shit happen again in the fucking frontpage


Reminder that some Indog scum is ready to be retarded and spill the beans


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>artist only sends MEGA links through DM's, every month
>check DM section (if there's any)
>sparse DM's of random months of 2021/2022/2023
>months or years of DM's missing
>BUT the Patreon posts themselves are perfectly up to date, always
It HAS to be trolling and/or reverse advertisement from the artists himself, 100%

I refuse to believe contributors actually "forget" to upload DM's or the Discord channels 75% of the time.


To add to this indeed, some of the more popular creators have their Discords updated alongside the fanbox/patreon. You could be onto something here.

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Why does the link to threezxc's MEGA archive not work sometimes? Does it keep changing or something?


Threezxc now puts the archive link in 'community chats'. I don't know if an option exists to import them. People importing them could always just copy the link and edit the archive post but they don't.

Same sort of thing with Magnetus, except people simply aren't importing the archive links.

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Hey. Is it just me or Fanbox importing is working back ?


wait for announcement post like last time


Nah, I'll just fuck my AI girlfriend to help pay for the servers thanks.


It's not back, it's only importing very spottily.

Even when it says it's imported, it's not really imported.


Yeah it's not working out very smoothly. I've seen a couple new posts important, but only singular ones instead of a full harvest.
Hope for the best.

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MFW all the stingy fuck artists move to FANBOX and Subscribestar, while Kemono importers are focused on Patreon
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Not quite, a lot of fanbox accounts are months behind on Kemono. And Subscribestar only has 240 accounts on Kemono.


How much can we even call them importers at this point when they have to rely on an autoscraper that can't catch anything besides a preview image to be approved for being on this site.


Fanbox importer has been dead for months, but when it worked it was well-used, with frequent updates of many artists. I myself shared many. Subscribestar importer has been dead for much, much longer.

Anyways in regards to the OP, most artists don't go to Fanbox or Subscribestar because they're stingy, they go there because Patreon has content restrictions. Patreon, as I understand, makes a creator the most money, compared to similar subscription sites. Most creators this prefer Patreon, and only go to other platforms if their content is not accepted on patreon.


Interesting, now it makes sense. Sense why it costs 15 BUCKS A MONTH FOR A FUCKING SUBSCRIPTION. Thanks Substar.


If you think 15 bucks is bad wait until you see someone ask you a minimum of 100 or more for support. 1200 bucks a year per creator per fan just to support them, totally a tip.

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yo this community chat shit becoming a real ass problem several artists are sharing the passwords to mega links there.


Heard it would be implemented next month on the 30th, so only one month and a half to go.


February has 30 days now?


woosh… it will be implemented the next superleap year, duh

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captchas were just a simple single-click verification
>fast forward to now
captchas ask for you to do the "select stairs" bullshit and they'll often make you do it 3 times in a row

Fuck niggers bro. Make the captcha normal again, this is so annoying
Also make it have a damn grace period so you don't have to do this bullshit for every single post


no lol



>literally the reason captchas exist unless you're deaf and blind
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, thanks

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