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It does the same thing as Kemono and it's run by the same people as far as i can tell so…

Is it just supposed to be redundant in case Kemono gets fucked?

Are they going to split the importers between them?

Is it only a testing grounds for new importers?
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I was talking about nekohouse bc the anon I replied said something like "they care about open source"



nekohouse wouldn't suck if they had competent staff and had proper filenames


Will you also include fanbox too?


What is their telegram like?

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Since the pateron importer is down, and the discord one is (somewhat) working, we still can have access to the paywalled stuff ! So please do start uploading their discord servers in the meantime !
That is, IF the creator has one. In which chase ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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>Thread about "Looking n the positive side of things"
>it becomes another beg thread
Kek, how long until mods (if those are still around) kill this thread?


that's what linked creators are for. unfortunately nobody links the creators they upload so its hard to tell if theyre artists or junk


maybe if they made it easier to find (and favourite) artist discords then it wouldn't be so bad.



Out of curiosity sake, the reason for the imports not working is because of heavy traffic?

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Kemono is fine, but I hate having to sit here and do nothing when I see a new release on someone's Patreon that I really like. Is there no better way than this?
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Sadpanda or whatever community puts a tiny amount of effort into sharing with others without being retarded about how they do it

Just get 4chan to start torrenting paywalled stuff, it'll be fun to watch


it sucks but you have to either:
register on e(x)-hentai and work your way to get folders
go to sites like svscomics
or join the patreon pages themselves



I'm only now realizing that apparently uploads had stopped because there's no coders that know how to scrape. I'd do it myself if I could learn the process but I wouldn't know where to learn.
Also idk what exhentai would do, they're in a similar position of pay people and post stuff on the site.


they still getting new stuff


"Pay people and post stuff" is how this place works too. There's no magic backdoor. You subscribe to creators, you give your keys to the importer, and it pretends to be you and grabs everything you're subscribed to.

If bypassing it were easy, nobody would use it.

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Does anyone have information on how to contact the admin or developer of Coomer? I'm interested in offering my help to fix the OF importer. What would be the best way to reach someone?

I noticed that Meow seems to be facing some challenges (no judgment), and I'd like to offer my assistance. I've already tried reaching out via contact@kemono.su and admin@kemono.party, but the server seems to be rejecting my Mails (send from protonmail.com). I also attempted to join the Telegram channel, but unfortunately, that didn't work either.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Just to clarify, this is not a bot or scam—I am completely serious and just want to help.

Thank you in advance!


I'd also like to offer my assistance.

I remember seeing the developer advert on the site some months ago but decided not to pursue it.

Seeing Meow's post that 90% of it was just spam is sad and seeing EMLT making his offer - well well I'm inspired too.

Please contact me if you're interested.


Most dev offers are AI-generated, paywall spies or pajeets. Prove you're human with actual development skills and not a paywall snitch and it'll go smoothly.


I would like to prove whatever is needed to a Admin or Dev. But they are hard to reach. Thats why i am asking for ways to contact them.


admin has abandoned ship

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recommend me nazi creators on fanbox
btw why does everything here is posted with a huge lag?


Why fanbox? Want to pay that badly?
Just look for military uniform or nazi
You can do that on kemono's search too if the word is anywhere in the post or title


down bad for hitler porn eh I feel you bud


Nazi creators? Pick any white dude and there's a pretty good chance you've found one.


try off the edge of a bridge

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Is it over for us boys ? admin just keeps quite without saying anything . If this is the end then I wish you all a happy journey through life's future endeavors.


The admin said they have had some struggles getting applications in for devs, but the site isn't going down anytime soon. They're based in Sweden, some of the devs were Swedish, they get 2 months off during the summer by law. The optimistic take is roadblocks came up at a bad time, but wouldn't be surprised if things started working again in the next few months.

Personally, I think it'd be okay if a site like this only imported once every 3 months, before the paywall sites update to block the importer again. It is doable, but less realistic for maintain importers without a much bigger dev team, because paywalls are too upsetti spaghetti about piracy.

I know the argument has been squashed in the past, that a browser plugin and importing from the user-side creates a whole new set of problems for Kemono, having to ensure users aren't importing malicious files. I think given the prevalence of these sites hiring teams to block importers, masking scraping via users simply visiting the pages on their browser and tossing it to Kemono is going to be the next best option.


hmm I somewhat agree to that 3months statement , well I think I should focus more on other things instead of roaming here like a ghost


"importing from the user-side creates a whole new set of problems for Kemono, having to ensure users aren't importing malicious files"
This retarded argument again… please do tell me how sites like Exhentai, f95zone or simpcity can have that but we cant?
There are a ton of us that will moderate stuff for FREE, if they added manual imports I'd give my free time as a moderator like ANY OTHER PIRACY SITE IN EXISTENCE.


None of those sites host the files from users directly that aren't images. Videos and zips go on another cloud storage and video hosting sited, which scan files on their own.

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I fuckin love sexy AI ladies.
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Nice bait, nips sure are good at learning how to get simps from 9/11 survivors and turning them into weebs


>no argument
I accept your concession, nippon sekai ichi


how they're so ugly


What is the fucking objective metric for art, retard?


putting "objectively" and "best looking" together is like, idk man, you a robot with no intelligence? that's how you obejctively evaluate an art

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I just joined the telegram after finding out there is one, and was in the middle of reading the rules when I got banned. May I ask why?

Nothing wrong with being a G-Man, man.


Got the same treatment. Some dimwit probably forgot to turn off auto ban or they're too lazy to announce that it's no longer open.


I'd appreciate being unbanned so I can at least read the server, I'm not going to rejoin.


i did the same thing, like 2 days ago, but i just dgaf, atleast im not the only one


Camon ingerland, what's with the non-rule breaking bans?


Camon ingerland, what's with the non-rule breaking bans? Dindu nuffin, just trying to see about becoming a dev.

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I need more Cagliostro sex, i can't take it anymore
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Then pay offerings to your superior god
Mortgage everything you have if you're poor


i don't even own a house


Sell your soul or body to the coffee shop owner you're typing from then idk lol


good idea but
nobody would buy my soul or body, it's too corrupted


guess the only option left is to get a job. prostitution works ig

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The same Discord servers are getting updated repeatedly, multiple times per day, while Patreon accounts… are still getting updates, but very slowly, lagging a week behind now. Something is borked.

Maybe it's going for most recent activity when it should be going for most out of date?
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last time any of mine were updated was the 27th of last month.


This has happened before like 3 or 4 times already. Usually it gets fixed after a few weeks, the impotent wailing on partychan never accomplishes anything. The site does one thing I think the admins know when it's not working. We just have to wait, it's the same with a lot of internet piracy, patience is key.


Fr it's wild how every time this site stops working people start screaming like retards, like yeah maybe the one or two guys working on the site WILL let it die if you keep acting like children every time it stops working


All of those previous time had one thing in common, the patreon importer was working.
That matters because Patreon doesn't give a crap about security, and I know that for a fact, now that EVEN the patreon importer is dead… yeah I think this is kemono's last stand


And what are you going to do about it? Not a fucking thing cause you can't code anyway so who gives a shit whether you think it's dead or not

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