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Kemono Development and Discussion
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Hiya. I checked the FAQ on Kemono to see if there was any guidance on how to upload a discord, or how to submit one for approval. I'm paying for a few artists discords and want to add them onto Kemono.

I assume it's done the same as importing a channel, but I'm not sure. How would I go about uploading an entire discord server?

(PS. This is my first time contributing the best I can for Kemono and I actually tried to figure it out first before asking you guys on here. So please no "stupid retard nigger it's not hard" comments, please only respectful and helpful comments please.


go to the importer page, and in the paysite dropdown select "Discord" then on discord itself, grab your token(if you dont know how, read: https://kemono.su/importer/tutorial bottom is discord section)

once you have your token, put it in the session key box, and then copy channel ids you want to import for the bottom box. you dont have to import everything(ex: normal chats if they're useless for paid content) its up to you. you need to enable dev mode on discord to copy channel ids if you havent already.

reply with any questions or whatnot and happy importing


How long does it usually take for the discord server to actually show up on Kemono? The imports went through, and it did say the server name that it was successful, but searching for the server sbows nothing as of now.


depends on other imports in queue. wait a bit and it should show up. if it doesnt after a while and it isnt related to a queue issue, provide any part of your import id on the main thread and sysadmins can look into it (if you left debug on for them)

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Sorry for the intrusion but lately the site has started to behave weirdly: every time I load a page the sidebar automatically activates and flickers rapidly, disappearing and reappearing. Ads are becoming very annoying, they spawn infinitely, one overlapping the last, and as soon as more than 5 ads load the browser becomes very slow. Last thing, I'm searching for the Discord of an artist called Reagan Long or Beagan Bong, I know it exists, I don't know if it's imported, it's not inside the linked accounts page of their other accounts.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Brave is better to block ads. Use it instead.


>Absolute big balls move insulting while anonymous


What about the sidebar flickering? Is it my fault?


You didn't provide enough information for which side to blame, so I guess it is your fault.


Turns out it's duckduckgo problem. But still I'm searching for the artist discord

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Please add the actual passwords of Hayatomoon fanbox page

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>Someone imports a Patreon
>Creator says to go to Discord for the full images in every single post
>Whoever is importing doesn't do the Discord
>They are literally importing literally nothing every single time due to ignoring the fucking Discord
11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>SEAmonkey immediately proving what seemed to be a simple baseless schizo right


>fnaf porn enjoying westoid
it's not funny at this point, it's just pathetic , but thanks for the self-own i guess


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>desperate strawman on a reaction image
I don't even even want your fourth-rate SEAmonkey concession. Apply yourself.


>doesn't even know what strawman means
>use it anyway in an attempt for a desperate comeback
>fails like a little westoid he is

Bet your finger were shaking with rage as you hit the reply button bro. You already lost, there's no more concession in the first place other than those coming from you 2 days ago.


Oh my god just shut up and kiss already, you two.

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I have been waiting for the audio from Bestkeptsecret named "Still mine Dark Room" can someone please upload it…millions of thanks ☺️🥰

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>bring back arrow key controls so we can easily switch the page
>let us filter certain keywords and users so we don't have to sift through hundreds of AI garbage and diaper porn posts
>let us choose how many posts to display per page

there, i fixed your shitty site
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


challenge don't act faggy under each thread
difficulty - Cobbler


you need to kill yourself


You forgot unfuck all the posts so we can actually find what we import lmao

Please cease your autism, you are not kemono's official tech support.


I am not a tech support but I am in charge of the site's interface basically.
"Arrow keys" are gone because they were a part of pagination component which was putting fucking global keyboard event listeners on every page it was in. The post page survived this because it had this logic specifically for the page, not some component used across an entire site.
If the custom hotkeys ever come back they will be opt-in in a separate settings page. Naturally it won't happen until there is a settings page.
Custom pagination isn't going to be a thing simply because it's extra cache keys on server per collection per pagination limit with no meaningful gain.
So points 1 and 3 are out, that leaves only the second one, which is a vaguely-worded feature request.


you arent in charge of anything you flaming fucking autist the only thing youre in charge of is being the boards resident retard fuck off

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Someone know the password. Im going crazy…


Should be 0?


You're a dumdum.
The solution for the password is right there on the page and since the objective is to test your brain, you should be required to figure it out on your own. It's not even hard. "One to two minutes of observation" as he says.


insane coombrain rot

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>click on post
>there is a link to a video


Is there any resolution to the "Sorry, we couldn’t find that page" Vimeo error?


there is one way, however there is a chance that not every link will work

try adding 'player.' at the start and add 'video' at the end of links, it should look like this 'player.vimeo.com/video/[videoidhere]'

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dear lord MEOW I know u are reading this I beg thee to please do something about the community chat . There must be a way to import those things here like the DMs or announcement tab


And we need a way to ask for a specific post to be updated again cause there are times the post got updated weekly or monthly and the updater doesnt do it


That's what the flag function is for.


We already pay for your shit
Do your part and flag the posts if you're not gonna pay because you're too poor(tm)


The post is already flagged, still the same

I'm paying for almost 7 creators stfu

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Is subscribestar importer just gone forever?


Wait for neko to fix their shit


Ressurecting thread because subscribestar importer should not be forgotten


One good reason to work on it and it will be considered. That site is utter garbage and dodgy as hell.
>in b4 massive withdrawal freeze and funny payment leaks once there are enough people to say good things about it

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