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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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> Last Update its a Minecraft Mod
"Well, Maybe its a current Working Mod"
> Last Update: 2021
"At Least its gonna be so interesting"
> Its So Ass
"At Least Its Free Now"
> It was always free, The Patreon is public

Sometimes the Uploaders Suck Ass

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Is patreon not working?
I have subscribed to one creator, but when I import a key, the scraper skips that creator.

I don't know why.


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Check the link in your import log.


Ok. What now?>>43948


Think if you still haven't solved the problem yourself. If you don't get it, there's nothing that can be done.

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Is it possible if someone can add this creator in kemono plus their discord server please?


The patreon importer is not working* and no importer will ever work again besides discord. It's officially over.

If you want a discord server imported, please import it yourself**.

*exceptions apply, please see sticky
**free of charge unless stated otherwise


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I wanted to try out their early access test build for their game and I just want the link to the server and the updated game: (Glut-tonne Demon).

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 No.43272[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>42265
495 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I seen 3 Patreon getting imported


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I feel like most of the people who just bicker like old crows on here need to go outside and take a break. Admin could care less about squabbling about the import speed,ai art, discord should get paused, and Fanbox being discontinued. Everyone on here needs to take a break and just go and do something. There is a true logic where if you stare at a clock time slows down, this is what is happening on here you people need to give it a break.


if admin doesnt want complaints about the service that has gone to shit then service shouldnt be offered. people are going to complain when the things they use start to not work as intended. site used to be good, imho.


I know the site was doing good but everything is on a flux in servers, if you haven't noticed this happens every few months.


If you've ever tried using Stable Diffusion you'll know that generating your own images (let alone stuff that looks decent) is FAR easier said than done. Believe me, I've been trying for months and I haven't got anything decent yet (and that's WITH help/advice/tips from an AI artist who makes decent AI art).

And before you ask, I'm not trying to sabotage the art that's out there, nor am I some AI-loving beta. In fact I hate the idea of AI art. NO, the reason I've been trying to produce AI art is because real artists have become too stuck up for their own good, let alone that of others. Just read >>43827 >>43828 >>43829 and >>43830 if you don't believe me. At least I have a fairly decent reason for trying to make AI art.

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The model link is missing, someone please do something


Follow the link in the post to another post. (It's automatically redirected to the corresponding post on Kemono.) Then copy & paste the entire Mega link in *that* post.

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I wanted to know how to have updates from Kemono.su because it's been a week since the site is stopped


It isn't stopped. Just use Discord or import AI slop through Patreon.


What otdo you mean to use discord or ai slop? thanks


Separately, I have seen comments saying they disable importers around the beginning of the month, for whatever reason, and also saw an admin saying devs were on vacation. Summer vacation for Swedish holidays should've been over with in August.

Hopefully, some fixes come whenever Patreon's importer is re-enabled. Doomposter forecast says it's down another month or likely forever.

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Is it possible from patreon



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 No.27386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Please note that this isn't a request thread, Usah will throw a fit and lock it if you do
Paywallers on your favorites doing the rar file bullshit? Importers neglecting to grab DMs? Consider this thread a stopgap measure for good samaritans to share passwords to locked content with the rest of us plebs. Again, please don't request for any artists so this thread doesn't get locked. I know it's frustrating, but we have to be patient for whatever replacement for /request/ comes up – only post if you'd like to add to the list, to report any problems with a given password (such as an artist stealth-updating), or discuss better ways to get around this. Hashcat was mentioned as one complicated method.

Below is what was posted in the previous thread (note that to minimize risk of google search, there will be dashes to break them up – remove anything with "(-)" to get a proper name/password):
Bambip(-)ump (october $3 posts)
Bambib(-)omb (october growing diaries)
921Ear(-)thquake (September 21st-27th 2022)
dirty3(-)P (Sandra Guts Dir(-)ty Play)

Connard(-)devoleursaleauxconsSalopardd'enculédemesdeux (october 2022)
RippaSplitt(-)aWh40Kforever (november 2022)(Here's the "fit". If you can't stop begging in share threads, you'll never get a share thread to beg in..)
155 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Anyone got OneManArtist password for his latest stuff?


Does Anyone have Meteorreb0rn Mega Link For August?



Artist's discord server is scraped but passwords within their fanbox aren't. Anyone willing to snag a password in there? Any plan will suffice.


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why do vimeo links in posts never seem to work and says the video doesn't exist ? it happens across multiple artits
50 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Does the referer method work for itch.io content?


Can I use this method to download files hosted on patreon? Can't figure out what settings to use


I also wanted to know.


after downloading a couple of vids with yt dlp now im getting 429 error, does this go away or am i fucked until i get a new ip


I've tried all steps but still hasn't worked for me. The videos I'm trying to watch are still on vimeo but the creator doesn't use patreon anymore. I think that's the problem

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Glassrims kemono page is a mess right now, with a lot of duplicated posts and disgusting things, in addition to some posts that were supposed to have the comics, they don't have them, just disgusting images



LMAO. That was the one with medical gore? Priceless. Enjoy getting hacked, creator shitter.

Why can't they go hack people over on asian paysites for extra lulz?

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