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Does anyone else know where I can find patreon posts from YuuriVoice? as much as I would like to support im tired of waiting for people to dick around and make shit work, anything helps.


Are (non-JP) voice works a thing people even pirate? I thought it was pretty niche stuff.

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Is the site just not updating? I usually just check the newest posts, but for the past like 4 days nothing new has been posted. I highly doubt everyone just collectively stopped uploading
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This thread kinda funny lol


Since the site is dead here is the latest Beware of Chicken chapters. Someone asked in the locked thread.




>and admins working on it

and dare I say, lmao


>The site have issues I guess and admins working on it
I hope they are cuz I swear to god I am THIS close to losing it.


Do you have holymouse?

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fantia officially started to block EU ip addresses and even TOM is preventing the purchase of toracoins from eu customers
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its over…. they just did a notice


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What the hell is "difficulties providing the same level of service"? Are they just too lazy to comply with GDPR and not slurp the data of all their *paying* users?


it's the UK's obscenity laws that Fantia obviously can't/won't abide by.


The cause is that Europe assumed it was the center of the world and selfishly mass-produced regulations.
I can't keep up with you guys.

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 No.41229[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>39958
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Tried following the intrusions, and I couldn't the SubscribeStar session key when I used Inspect Element on SubscribeStar, does anybody know what Nekohouse's contact email is?: https://nekohouse.su/importer


This is something else…. If this continues, we would have the perfect way to actually get the stuff there while waiting for kemono to be fix.


Is this it? Are we in luck?

Are we about to finally get SS (even if it's on Nekohouse)?



Time for requests, even a thread dedicated to SS artists for Nekohouse.


Too bad it takes forever for artists to get added/updated on Nekohouse, but it’s better than nothing

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This artist has been posting their stuff on a website. Apparently it is being posted on exhentai, but I can't see anything. Can someone that can see them post the somewhere else?


I can see something here: https://exhentai.org/g/2959566/f39a6048c8/

Are you logged in on e-hentai.org? In case you don't know you need an account there in order to see exhentai.org



Yes, I am logged in but when I click the link all I get is a white screen. If you can see them can you post the stuff somewhere else, like rule34 or somthing idk


You need to clean your exhentai web cookies. In Firefox you can do that going to Privacy and Security > Cookies and Site Data > Manage Data. Search for exhentai and clean that data. Advice to have the site not open in any tab while you do this, then you must go to E-hentai, log in and then you go to Exhentai.


Quit spoon-feeding idiots.

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Heads up for future scrapers, it appears Vexo/Ourobot caught on to the site's scrapping and is crying about it on his Patreon and plans for future mitigation via passwords on external sites.
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There's a reason why artist are known for being starving retards. They pull shit like that all the time, then wonder why their numbers are always treading water or on a slow decline. Alot of these idiots make their money off of doing lewd fanart of already established IPs, with some of the characters being canonically underage, but start crying when a handful of people might be able to see their paywalled content for free. There's been tons of artist that I went to their patreon/fanbox only to see I would have to jump through tons of hoops and possible pay out my asshole just to see a tiny handful of pieces that where in their past billing months. Imagine trying to employ fucking fomo on degen fanart, its kikery^2


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>artists still get in a huffing and stammering fit over people leaking paywalled art even though the people who view it for free probably wouldn't give them money anyway
>this is somehow supposed to convince me to support you financially

Why the fuck do so many artists fall into this retarded-ass trap? You're literally just showing people you're an entitled shitface and then punishing your existing supporters for the issue by making them jump through even MORE hoops than you already make them do.

If your "motivation" is being killed by some random pajeet sharing your art on rule34, that's a you problem, not an us problem. Get therapy.

And it's sickening to see this type of behavior rewarded with backpats and good vibes by this retarded gardenwall of people who pay a monthly fee just for some porn they could easily have found through various search engines and websites.

You aren't even doing the whole "making it harder" thing right. Notice how you blatantly say that higher tiers will have access to an archive of yours, same as usual, no weird shenanigans like with the lower tiers. Gee, I wonder what will happen when someone leaks the higher tier rewards? Almost like this whole bullshit you're trying to pull will shatter instantaneously.

Fuck you, Ourobot. Ah'm keepin' me money.


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These kinds of people are why shit like DRM exists. Absolutely pathetic.


Literally the same reason why Digital Rights Management has never worked, you're just punishing your honest paying customers for the actions of a few people.


It's fine to be underage, only the West cares about those conservative Christian concepts

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New here, how long does it usually take for the Importer to work? I gave it a key several hours ago but it hasn't actually grabbed any posts yet, log is blank.


The importer is like a clogged toilet. In fact, all KP is like this, and no one is going to fix it. A certain someone from the team has "priorities".


Everyone is saying that, but do we actually know thats why? Seems like the importers not having max Ressouce usage set would be kinda stupid.

Wdym by priorites btw?


Retards are clogging the bandwidth with useless Discord servers right now. Admins seem to be sitting on their asses and not doing anything about it, apparently.

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 No.27386[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Please note that this isn't a request thread, Usah will throw a fit and lock it if you do
Paywallers on your favorites doing the rar file bullshit? Importers neglecting to grab DMs? Consider this thread a stopgap measure for good samaritans to share passwords to locked content with the rest of us plebs. Again, please don't request for any artists so this thread doesn't get locked. I know it's frustrating, but we have to be patient for whatever replacement for /request/ comes up – only post if you'd like to add to the list, to report any problems with a given password (such as an artist stealth-updating), or discuss better ways to get around this. Hashcat was mentioned as one complicated method.

Below is what was posted in the previous thread (note that to minimize risk of google search, there will be dashes to break them up – remove anything with "(-)" to get a proper name/password):
Bambip(-)ump (october $3 posts)
Bambib(-)omb (october growing diaries)
921Ear(-)thquake (September 21st-27th 2022)
dirty3(-)P (Sandra Guts Dir(-)ty Play)

Connard(-)devoleursaleauxconsSalopardd'enculédemesdeux (october 2022)
RippaSplitt(-)aWh40Kforever (november 2022)(Here's the "fit". If you can't stop begging in share threads, you'll never get a share thread to beg in..)
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I recommend the latter. It's a permanent and effective solution to the problem.


yeah too bad your discord importer makes that completely fucking impossible right now mate. good sperging though


Go play in traffic yourself you inbred retard, nobody asked your dumbass.
I assume they were asking people who had a brain and weren't retarded, that isnt you, sorry kid. your not that guy


I recommend you crawl into a hole and die while someone useful updates haps on kemono.


Obvious samefag is obvious

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In the rules sticky, it says that requests are only allowed in the designated sticky, yet I can't find that anywhere. Is this unintentional, or are requests just not allowed?


Hey does anyone have a link to the "unofficial kemono party discord"? The one I found from february is expired


Wanna say what that fucking means?


Yeah wheres the sticky for requesting new content creators? Cause I sure aint seeing it

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whatever ad service you guys are using for kemono and coomer is marking the websites as unsafe by any antivirus software, if you choose to ingnore the warnings on the websites, you will be redirected to some sketchy adware/phishing websites.
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Being picked up by Firefox now as well. Deceptive site warnings are browser features and will appear with or without an adblocker



Again, skill issue.


no matter what kind of antivirus or adblocker you use, the website just redirects you automatically to a scammy website you damn fags


sounds like what you're using is shit then, dumbass


They'll appear if the browser tries to load it. Sensible ad blockers stop that at the network level, so it never gets requested. Kemono isn't the malicious site, it's malware being delivered through an ad network they're using.

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