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How do you guys deal with this link?
Any guides/tips?
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I personally found it much easier to just edit in a link in html of the post through browser developer console. Then browser did all the referer stuff by itself with no need for extension.


Hmm you know its really weird I tried the "inspect element" method with the link in the OP and it worked, but using that referer extension didn't.
Maybe it's because I'm using opera and it doesn't work as good as chrome?


Maybe you are using some kind of ad-block or tracking protection that completely removes the referrer.
Other than that i have no idea.
At least you can stick with the inspection method i guess


It doesn't work for me until I activated the [Block Javascript referer], it's smooth sailing then.


works for one image only, everything else redirects to google

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The user https://kemono.su/patreon/user/77260986, specifically their discord https://kemono.su/discord/server/1175508703215104098 has their content accessed via a command that the importer doesn't seem to be able to import.

Here are their current links:
Videos: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/mmunasenm3ogficknppty/AMxmPYc3mMJcJTlpB1u3tdg?rlkey=osqyn0kxu98y4w0r8hytyprwb&st=loklajh1&dl=0
Sneek-Peeks: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5ut28asmwd0vtewyq287g/AL94IJX4cyYzC0At-ugMEiI?rlkey=0k32tpgtkpjmh1lkpaebddvsd&st=pnh49arw&dl=0

No clue if anyone wants to do anything with this, felt like giving back.


Hey do you have the link to berz1337 video alts just asking because on kemono the link doesn't work

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Since we have fanbox support I was wondering if we could also have support for Deviantart subscriptions? Some of the people I follow are only posting there.


Yes of course! Thank you for the suggestion!
There will definitely be a DeviantArt importer coming in the near future, especially now that all of the importers are working smoothly.

We are hoping to roll out the first tests by September 31st. Thank you for your patience and thanks again for your feedback!

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Is this a common issue recently or just me. If not is there a plan/way to fix it. No matter how many times I refresh some of the MP4 files don't work


Me too. Some Mp3 or MP4 files I can listen to but then suddenly I can't


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With me its the MP3 files that don't work. Some I can listen to at first but then not anymore


Only way I found to fix this is to literally just wait. Spamming reload only seems to make it less likely to load. Something to do with too many requests, best thing you can do is to just wait every now and then and try to open the link again.

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Isn't Skeb just a commissions website?
What is there to import?


Probably meant the files themselves, and access to the PSD files requires direct access to private messages.

Even if it's just to show private commissions, not possible without hacking into a creator's account.


Skeb can crawl images that are set to public.
However, 90% of the images are watermarked.
The watermark, image resolution, compression rate and image format are controlled by parameters and matched by the hash value of the s parameter.


So, take this hash value mystery into your own hands. I'm sure they'll consider supporting you.


Correct, however watermarked "pictures" themselves are samples. The real files are only available to the commissioner, and for that you need to hack into the commissioner's linked X account.

The only way to do this is for a commissioner to leak their session, which would get them prompty banned from both Skeb and X as the two are linked.


(you can probably also hack into the actual artist's Skeb, but that would get you banned even faster; if that was possible, paywalls would all be dead already)

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Ive seen a bunch of posts that have links like Download 12124123.txt and have no clue how to open them. When I click on the link it takes me to a page with a bunch of hashtags, links and random code. I am on Opera GX. Anyone know how to access these files?


These are Patreon M3U8 playlist, see >>41359


lmao I love these guys. Their CIA video is crazy, they're really good at packaging their politically charged messages through a fun and algorithm friendly format that will reach a far bigger and diverse audience than any leftist video essay ever could


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Absolutely loved their trip to Pine Gap. This is definitely a case of the Underpants Problem being a nice problem to have. (When someone uses the same Patreon account they use to sub to gay furry porn as they do to sub to podcasts and youtubers.)

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It seems the old koniDDYYYYMM format doesn't work anymore with the dropbox links.
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I wish we could just blacklist creators. So sick of seeing AI shit and reaction content.


>he doesn't know


Be the change you want to see. Subscribe to creators you want to see updated on Kemono and import them yourself.



My issue has more to do with finding *new* artists to follow because I have to scroll through dozens of AI porn posts or artists. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


All those things only got imported because someone paid for them then shared their account key here for the importer.

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any of y'all know what artist they were referring to?


Idk if this is the place to request something but eh, I would like to make a request to leak secretnarcissists art (sorry if i bother anyone with this, i don't mean any harm. Delete this if needed)

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DISCORD WAS A MASSIVE MISTAKE. It has been a whole week of nothing but discord imports.
The value proposition here is really poor.
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I agree. I'm missing every Patreon update in almost two weeks.


patreon is back now


Patreon still doesn't looks right, no july post at all


theres posts from july in several of the pages i've checked in the recent tab



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