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File: 1738429869941.png (3.47 KB, 152x52, Kemono-Upload.png)


Does the "Upload File" page this button is meant to send you too still work, or is that page broken for everybody else?


Manual uploads have never been a thing since 2021 when developers and moderators existed. They are much less likely to be a thing now and in the future.



I figured as such. I think I remember back that you used to be able to upload stuff, but they disabled it after people began abusing that feature to ruin the site.
Just wanted to check if it really was broken for everyone or if it was just me.

Though, strange that the devs haven't gotten around to removing it yet if they aren't planning on having the feature return.


Yeah, that was after the Bikomation virus infestation. You can thank furries for that. Entrusting people with manual uploads means creators can also come and upload viruses among other things.



Yeah, those were some wild times. I remember certain artists personalizing the different rewards they sent out so that whenever somebody would reupload it on Yiffparty/Kemono or elsewhere, they could ID who did it and ban them.


What did bikomation do? I hate him so much

File: 1735697210818.png (1.12 MB, 1479x607, Sin título.png)


pixiv fanbox importer is back?
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes and no, actually.


no, it isn't lol


it's just a test
if it's truely back you would already see a batch of it get imported
you are a dumbass for thinking it's back


Are they just testing it or they actually going to fix it and get it running?


they updated many artists except my fav damn

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Just wondering, why isn't there a blacklist feature for content so you can block certain artists from showing up on your feed?


There is no "your feed".


because trannylover admin doesn't care about features



I don't want some bullshit script I need to install. I'm wanting it to be available on-site.


Admin won't implement critical things and you expect him to cater to your needs? Take the script and thank the anon above already. So ungrateful.

File: 1738430387747.jpg (246.95 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20250202-011352….jpg)


Has this account been indexed? Because it's not showing up in the searches and can only be accessed by entering the patreon ID
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


The artist ID is 23947766


How do you use the API to view posts?


It's simple.
Click in GET
1 In service you input patreon
2 In creator_id you input the ID
Search query and result offset you leave empty.


For what I've seen, there's no post in API. We need to wait for the importer to reimporter.


I see. I hope this gets fixed soon. Anyway, thank you for responding

File: 1738372418590.png (152.59 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (24).png)


This is my 1st time importing something. I know that the fanbox importer is in its testing phase. Is it supposed to take a long time for it to get my session ID? I've been waiting for a little over an hour and it still says wait until logs load.


You'll wait forever because it's offline.
Try Nekohouse instead.

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repair now


no lol


Wrong place for that.

File: 1737257872355.png (799.05 KB, 1011x765, 1.png)


Hey. Is it just me or Fanbox importing is working back ?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Hopefully this gets fixed "soon". There are some artist i wanna see be updated.


Would it kill them to update fanbox creators that weren't I dunno…. SHIT?


Pay for what you consider not shit and import it. Simple as.


Cough up the cash and import it yourself if it bothers you so much.


File: 1738363985234.png (5.33 KB, 440x72, FanboxDisclaimer.png)

I think more people will be willing to import stuff from Pixiv when the tsting phase for the importer is done.

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1970's? Really?


In computers basically every timestamp gets stored as a number. For display that number gets combined with a timezone and formatted as a date + time. By convention the counting starts January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

So, what you're seeing is a timestamp that was set to zero for some reason.


What >>51688 said. It's not even set to zero, it doesn't exist at all, but fortunately it doesn't break everything else and instead defaults to zero.

And yes, those favs will always be on top.


It's worse than just
> a timestamp that was set to zero for some reason

Fav profiles and profiles reuse the same card component, but they have quite different shapes. Specifically timestamps are returned as ISO 8601 datetime without timezone strings in one case while the other returns unix timestamps. Both can also be `null`.

File: 1738312164485.png (53.08 KB, 1813x849, 屏幕截图 2025-01-31 162528.png)



the expiry date should be 5/2/2025


There is no fix. Wait for another link. Probably the artist generated a new link.

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Too many patreon artists has locked their contents through a third-party website like itch.io or through MEGA link with passwords. The importer fully aware of this, why they’re only uploaded the regular posts without the locked files? It makes the updates became useless


They're not uploading the files as well because they can't. That's not how Kemono works.


what's stopping importers from manually uploading to exhentai or f95z or wherever else? no matter where you go, seems like the only leaked stuff you find is only reuploads taken off what the kemono scraper can get


Because it takes too much time to upload each file manually. The problem is why they keep importing stuff that is unavailable. The only answer is the importer being the author.

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