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Today the site updated the link to the GreekoAI artist archive, but it is empty, can you help with this problem?

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greeko changes link faster than kemono makes reimported post visible…


That's unrealistic. I didn't make it again :(


He's so annoying.


Updated Mega, please?


i wonder what happens if you already have a mega link to a directory open in browser or are even in the middle of downloading a file when it gets deleted/replaced

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its probably not the way i'm doing it…
this is unsustainable if the number of images gets a bit higher


You can post up to 500 images in a thread until it stops bumping, just not in rapid succession unless you switch IPs every time. Probably better to post them on /b/ though.


Post more if you got 'em!


Despite the patreon watermark/ad, these are from the artist's pixiv.


He usually posts two free pics per character there - one clothed and one less so. I'm curious how many are actually on his patreon - would love to have a ton more of that Sonya Blade for example.


you should kys


Wow going from helpful to toxic in a single post, bipolar much? What keyword triggered you, or was it just that time of the month?

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As subject says, I was getting self-signed signature error, with that ddos company as issuer, sure whatever, but when I accepted the risk it would just not resolve and would only resolve image subdomains like s3.kemono.su whatever.
Seems like its fixed now, what gives?




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Fuck ya, mudda.

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Your favorite channels anon?


idgaf nigger

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I'm trying to update Stealth-Brock's Discord page (https://kemono.su/discord/server/579746158704853002), but I keep seeing a "HTTP 404 Make sure you entered correct channel ID" error.

But I *DID* enter the correct channel ID because I followed the directions.

What do I do? Has this ever happened before with anyone else?


enable dev mode in discord settings and right click on a channel in the app/site and click copy id, it looks like you're just putting the server id as the channel id which would be incorrect


Oh hey, your plan worked. Turns out I was copying the wrong ID.



You also have to do this for every channel you want to import. It's tedious but helpful when a server has hundreds of channels that are useless (meme etc).

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why do people still support this nigger?
his art decreases in quality with every single month, it's gotten so bad he just posted 3 sketches in a row to his twitter account.

is bro going to keep posting sketches like that? I miss his actual good pictures from two years ago.


cry more about it loser


If people keep supporting them for being lazier yes. Eventually they just repost downscaled Skeb comms/pixiv requests, delete them and repost them again when people forgot they were posted multiple times before.

Be glad it's still actual drawings lol, could be AI or worse, jews will do anything to get people to support them and then turn them into some kind of fanboy army.


kys nigger
>Eventually they just repost downscaled Skeb comms/pixiv requests, delete them and repost them again when people forgot they were posted multiple times before
I've already seen this happening multiple times with some artists. Although a good chunk of them don't even care and just straight up post the same pictures over and over again.

Japanese artists are masters at mass deleting stuff and wiping their profiles for no reason.
But I think nilsunna's situation is very textbook. He posted great stuff in great quantity back in 2020-2022, got quite known on twitter, and nowadays his art keeps deteriorating month by month while his posts take longer to happen. Even his game started well and got worse scenes with each update.

>be glad it's still actual drawings lol, could be AI or worse

Many artists definitely do seem to be using AI covertly. I follow simply too many to keep track of names like that but a common occurrence is for the pictures to have the distinct AI lighting. One of the pioneers of covert AI use was Shexyo, the most famous among the cutesexyrobutts copycats. And he's still around because people keep giving him money for some reason.
>jews will do anything to get people to support them and then turn them into some kind of fanboy army
Yes, nilsunna is also a great example of that. I was a member of his discord a while back, and if you dare criticize something about his stuff, you soon get a horde of passive-aggressive discord trannies doing their best to annoy you. It's the same thing on nearly every artist's discord. I wonder where all these deranged cult-ish trannies come from, because every damn server has them.

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Except for twitter, all the importers they have would fit perfectly in Kemono. Plus, most of Nekohouse's importers work.
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For fanbox?
Cause neither site has worked for me yet


i thought nekohouse is a mirror of kemono, why do they have exact same shitty gui?


shiity website faking import with empty page


fuck k*kemono scum also stonetoss was a closeted tranny drawing porn source the sharty


Take your meds

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I noticed that clicking on an image makes it disappear completely now, shifting everything below it up until it starts loading, which then shifts everything back down. It used to be where you'd click it and it'd turn grayish until it starts loading, and none of the images would shift up or down. Is there a setting you can toggle to go back to the old system?


No, buy a new phone or computer


yeah thats just how it works now on the new frontend and no there is no setting.

dont listen to >>50692


I literally killed the "old system", so no.


oh, ok. why?


Because it was a procedural spaghetti not compatible with current code. Plus the dev setup is extreme ass.

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Somebody update this please. It's been flagged for about a week now. Unless the link is just wrong and somebody knows how to fix it.


>can't wait for a week
Get in line with people who have flagged things in 2022 and are still waiting


Not my fault, not my problem.

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Hello, admin
1. Maybe you can add functionality inside the artist search page, because posts have tags, so, for example, if you search for the My Little Pony tag, the search results will show artists with posts tagged with My Little Pony
2. Maybe you can tag some artists, for example, if this artist only publishes or publishes a lot of AI works, you will be able to tag the artist with AI. Similarly, if the artist only publishes furry works, you can tag the artist with furry. Maybe the easiest way is to divide the artists into r18 and non-r18. This is one way to use it.
"Future intentions" can blacklist certain tags so that they are not displayed. If 2. is implemented. This is also another way to use it.
Thanks and good luck
|Reorganize and publish|
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If you come up with a great new feature, you'll ruin it because you always overthink it and end it before you even start.


is cobbler jewish? yes!



See, this is why we don't need features. If it works, don't break it.


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