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I don't see a Favorite button anywhere on Discord pages.


Click on the 'linked-accounts' part and you'll find the favourite button there.

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The Blacklist is broken!
There's fat fucks and Sims mods EVERYWHERE
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I had a go fixing it by monitoring for changes with MutationObserver but I don't know enough about this shit to get it working properly.

A shitty workaround I've found is changing the "run-at" parameter in the userscript header from "document-end" to "context-menu. For it to work you then need to click the page, find Tampermonkey, and run the script manually.

Also if you go to a new page in the search page, you'll need to refresh the page because it'll freak out about deleting things that no longer exist


The dev's updated it. Still a little wonky but once you figure it out it's fine.

I'll probably make a way to export/import the list once the dev irons out the kinks (or if he goes dormant)


kemono isn't an imageboard, don't use it as one


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>enters thread
>is objectively wrong


Not that anon but they're not wrong. People who only use the posts section are supposed to be aware they will see some crazy shit because it's literally an amalgamation of everything that's been scraped so far.


Does anyone have any information about the fanbox importer?
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message board users try not to overreact (impossible challenge)


autistic spergs tourists can't afford a dime, what a pity, don't be poor next time.


You literally just have to change your location in your settings to Japan


Works on my machine, poorfag.


Fanbox is perfectly accessible from the west. You're thinking of Fantia and that's mostly the UK and some other shitholes.

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Nice to meet you, my name is Pinkball!


hey pinky



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First of all, I can't view the favorited posts. I can save the posts but I can't view them.
More importantly, I can't choose the upload time of the posts. Some posts have uncensored content in 2023, but the author deleted them in 2024. On kemono before, you could choose the upload time of the post as 2023, but now you can only choose the upload content in 2024.
I hope the staff can stop this bad update and restore the website to the previous version.
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>>49512 You could shut your fucking ass off nigger . kys you AI loving piece of smegma of a pig's dick


Really telling you haven't answered any of the questions.


> I can't view the favorited posts.
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
> More importantly, I can't choose the upload time of the posts.
They probably mean versions, where you can choose to see older versions of posts that have been updated, but that seems to be working for me.


don't bother explain it to that faggot cobbler man he just wanna act smart but is actually a dumbfuck thread clown



>But you haven't answered any of the questions.

Do you like ARA?

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Have you noticed that Kemono just grinded to a halt for some reason. I don't know what's going on, but I hope It'll be back up and running soon.
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What the hell is going on now?!?!?



It's a shame to. Nekohouse just started popping off since Kemono is always on the shits. Now both don't work lol.


Maybe we should have a “Today's Update” screen to remind people that Kemono is or isn't working properly.


brits are the only people in the world without a leg to stand on when it comes to mocking US cuisine. usonians have no right to be making fun of brits for their appearance. Yet both groups deeply lack the self awareness to stand down on these topics.


The 100% uptime status update is dead since May and it's not coming back, so wouldn't hold my breath

Best you'll get is a blue banner that tells you "shit is working again", but you can also redpill yourself by checking every now and then instead of waiting for some kind of newsflash that won't happen.

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SimplePatreonLoader seems to not be working as clicking on the link results in "Sorry The video does not exist."

Any solutions?

Video Post link for Example: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/85680274/post/115480406
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The problem as mentioned earlier is that when entering the command in my post I made a mistake. You need two dashes in front of referer not one.

yt-dlp https://player.vimeo.com/video/1018904058 –referer https://www.patreon.com

Should be fine.


Ok when I say "I made a mistake", actually the problem is that this website turns two small dashes into one long dash which screws up the command.


49533 here, I did try with 1 hyphen and 2 hyphens neither worked, only add-headers worked
You don't put any hyphens before the referrer that's already in the add-headers option.
Copy paste this:
yt-dlp –add-headers "Referer:https://www.patreon.com" https://player.vimeo.com/video/1018904058


add-headers does need 2 hyphens btw


God this thread is a mess lol
Don't copy and paste that command. As mentioned in (>>49745) this website turns two dashes and combines them into one long dash after posting. This means when people copy and paste the command, the command doesn't work. People will need to add the two dashes themselves.

Also I would be very surprised if you actually needed to do the weird 'add-headers' option. You probably are doing something differently with the normal command without knowing it.

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Some creators release their content behind password locked filehosting services. Is there a place where these are shared or is there simply no point to people updating their respective pages?


Either Chinese Telegrams or they're just trolling. Maybe they don't even know the files and links don't magically unpassword themselves.


You could always PAY for it.



Fuck that.


Check the DM repo https://kemono.su/dms this is where to check if they send passwords through DMs.

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the webtoepub extension doesnt't work any longer with kemono, is there an alternative that does?

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When I try to log in, this is what I'm met with

Invalid input error type.
TypeError: Failed to fetch


Open developer console -> network -> tick `XHR` and `Other` boxes and then reload the page to see the errors. Chances are are something is blocking requests on your side, since it's cucking the request completely I take a guess a browser extension.


Idk what had it fucked up like it was but I disabled all my extensions and something worked, thx


im getting this error
Originated from:Server
Message:API is in maintenance or not available.
Is okay?:No
Status code:503

Does it mean I got the password wrong is it something on my end


503 error is a backend problem, just let the dev fix

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