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I forgot to import Ryuke's posts (https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/10977195) from Fanbox before my subscription expired, but I have MEGA link with all their works. (https://mega.nz/folder/dpZRQLaQ#IdyCiONgAnZ7FFXF1mJM4A) How do I upload this?
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ohhh my fucking god thank you lmfao im the asker i dont usually shame for kinks/fetishes but this one is just a bit odd for me tbh and not even in a racist way




does the bear shit in the woods where u live?


I don't know about bears but I do. Flushing a toilet uses up ridiculous amounts of water and wastes something you can use as fertilizer.


Text me for my nudes 7096603414

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Turning my adblocker (uBlock Origin) off resolves this, but I'm not going to do that, so is there an custom filter I can use instead?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.



This isn't working for me.


Thank you, anon.
Worked for me. Just hit "apply changes" after adding it.


Disregard. I suck cocks.

I added the filter to the browser's adblocker, but I forgot I had uBlock Origin on this browser as well.


Thank you, this worked.

If anyone else tries this, but it doesn't work, check if you have the Ghostery extension. If you do, pause it for kemono.


Thanks for the thread and everyone who posted in it. It was driving me nuts and I thought I was the only one.

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is there any possibility to enable the community chat of patreon to be imported as well? a lot of creators are linking their downloads in their patreon chat and it can't be accessed through kemono

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 No.29878[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread is made to link the Discord data available on Kemono to be linked to the artist.

This is not a request thread. Don't request for discord servers that aren't on the site. Please only use this to link artists to their own discords that are already posted here!
212 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pippers02’s Discord has exclusive content when linked to a patreon account:





does anyone know Kihu's Discord?


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 No.50438[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Most of you should be celebrating with family.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>49462
494 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



There used to be instructions on how to whitelist the api in the ad blocker but it seems to have been removed. I won't repost those instructions in order to not get in trouble as I'm guessing there is a reason they were taken down.


this has been happening pretty often lately, I think it just needs to be imported again or something



WTF, no??? That is useless unless the importer gets fixed!



… also, this problem has happened in the past - several times. A regression bug that keeps popping up once in a while.


Someone keeps repeatedly importing elma's free tier, meaning they're importing nothing, but it gets bumped up constantly as if it had actually been updated.
I will find you.

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Utta/utterangle stopped uploading directly to patreon over 2 years ago and now uses a restricted access dropbox link to avoid scraping, so the imports are useless.

If whoever is subbed sees this, please consider manually sharing to panda or somewhere else, thank you.

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Anyone knows how long it takes for a new artist to get their profile created on the site?, imported one yesterday and it still shows the error of no profile found

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Old channels on some Discord servers are updating, but no new channels are appearing. Is this a bug? Can it be fixed?


The Discord importer doesn't handle update time properly iirc.

That in turn causes new imported channels or channel updates to never bump servers. Maybe the API can help but it probably needs you to go look inside of every single server you follow.


That's bullshit.


Correct, sort of. The API shows the actual date, and you don't need to request the server itself, if you're logged in just go to https://kemono.su/api/v1/account/favorites?type=artist (if you have it favourited) and you can see the dates.
If you want to send a request to a server though, do:
for a specific channel in a server:

Not bullshit


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I need help logging in, I forgot my password


Many such cases


Do you have trailing/leading whitespaces in your password? If so, they get stripped on the server, but your password manager will not be aware.


Link to the site?
The ad no longer appears for me

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