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Thread for all things webnovels.

Anyone have a link to the discord? The old one appears to be broken.
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Pray for grenskul



Does this work? If yes, Someone get in and pull every channel and put it on Kemono.


It doesn’t work


Grenskul invite where


Erin Ampersand aka (300YearOldMagician) is also missing

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I recently open the imported posts of this author, and I see that this post leads to nowhere? What's wrong with this author, not only do their posts appear on Kemono 3-6 hours after being imported, but now this too?


continuation of post:
The last two don't work, but the rest open fine.


this fucker got godly ai arts yet keeps changing the dropbox links
cant download nothing whenever i see the new posts of this fucker on kemono


This is because, for some reason, his posts appear on Kemono 3-6 hours later, and during that time, he manages to change the link. This problem is only with this author. It seems to me that it's an issue with the site.


ik, just complaining thats all

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Character models Archive and Animation Archive aren't working

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Like seriously you uploaded posts from mj without Spider-Man, but you forgot several episodes of Everybody hates Chris. Also why the hell does it take you guys so long just to upload? If you’re busy then fine but I’m starting to think it’s more out of pure laziness and you lack passion for kemono anymore.


Hi, Dr Cum here to give you your diagnosis.
You're retarded. Terminal, I'm afraid.

Try piratebay for shit like this. And get better taste in TV shows.

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is there any reason this artist's works just don't show up? any way to fix them


+1 When downloaded (like in the latest post or by downloading the whole page) those .png files seem to be partially corrupted


recently someone uploaded 2 things properly but the rest is fucked.

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10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


step 2 clarification: it needs to be the creator's fanbox page, not just any one


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it just works, thank you anon


godsend. where do you even figure out this stuff


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I tried it with tsukimaru but it didn't work for me. I mean, I looked for a post on kemeno and entered the link that takes you to sakura.ne with the padlock and then I inspected the main page of the tsukimaru fanbox and pasted the previous link in the pixiv icon when editing the html and it keeps sending me to the same thing. Why would that be?


Based, thank you.
If only it was like this for those Patreon links.

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Anybody knows Nakatori march password?

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Hi everyone, I have a question about how I can see this creator's content now that I've moved to the community chat, and I don't know if Kemono will implement them or if they're already there. Honestly, I don't know much.https://kemono.su/patreon/user/26946897


Unfortunately, kemono doesn't have community chat feature yet.

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Attempting to import Futornyx's Boosty and I ran into a error I'm not well versed enough to understand. It said something about an error with client settings but as far as I know I've double checked the steps for Boosty importing and can't find anything wrong with them. Assuming this is the import id, just in case it's needed 22165459-6d55-4a9f-bafd-d759d01376c7


Boosty imports aren't working nowadays. The only ones working are patreon, pixiv, discord and gumroad.


boosty is gonna have a new importer I heard stay updated.

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Has anyone downloaded this artist's profile? The password has been changed and the file has been deleted.
Will such time-limited posts become useless after a while?

2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


really hate this kind of artist

this is also a major problem with niyang especially he demands a lot for medicore art.


It can be an importer or kemono issue. If the importer (or kemono) takes a long time to import, the link will expire naturally. Some artists change links in hours, not days (it's madness). This kind of artist needs updates constantly, because links are changed regularly.


Enty/Fantia mentality, simple as, and if it's not that it's you are a literal tribute pig/findom junkie deal with your fetish issues don't hate the creator for exploiting your weaknesses.

Ask a terrorist organization to blow up those fuckers and maybe all paywalls while they're at it. If they need an ideology tell them whatever works for them, like a lot of jews and trannies. Make sure they don't blow up the squads, it's really horrible to waste lives like that when they can do so much more to contribute to a healthier world.


I saw she updated it again, I want to ask if the password is correct this time?


I always feel that it is meaningless for this kind of artist to update on KEMONO, it is better to put it directly on enhentai

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