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Kemono Development and Discussion
Password (For file deletion.)

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Dies anyone knew the Password for Demon Lord Alice game




The password is Incorrect


Can someone upload this game on Xplay.me without any Password on it??


>The password is Incorrect
>type Incorrect in password field
>still dosen't open
why would you lie on the internet


Is it for Windows Version?

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Is there a way to find the file that created the Archive List?
For instance, if I'm looking at
how would I find the file or link to the post with the file in Kemono?


hash lookup


I am curious is Kemono safe against their annoyance? Is the importer secured against false data? If they can trojan Disney surely they are capable of sending false data through an import tool.


Fake and gay.


the best they can do is link a fake image file with like 100+ mb size and kemono would download it mistaking it as normal image file

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その一環として、先月よりCloudflare社が提供する「Managed Challenge」を段階的に導入しています。


Patreon has had the same verification mechanism for a long time, so can kemono solve it?


Bribe Meow with 50,000 meowcoins to motivate him

Or just leak every Fanbox account somewhere else so people move out, then rinse and repeat until kemono becomes obsolete


Yes but it’s a matter of “Will they bother?”

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Is there a way to enter the community chat of Patreon here or is this something they haven't added to Kemono yet?

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I am imploring the motherfuckers who are paying for like 40 reaction youtubers' patreons to better spend their money and stop hogging imports with their bullshit nobody gives a fuck about
Same goes for those gigabytes of paywalled AI waifus


>1. keep crying
>2. nice pfp (looks similar to ur face)
>3. kys fatass nerdy nigger


You are a clown.





Bro just let simps bankrupt themselves to death and sell their imaginary kids into prostitution
They get a high out of getting milked beyond sanity by creators, it's an actual fetish, can't defeat that

Sometimes it's just the creators themselves importing shit nobody cares about for attention too

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I am new here and dont know how to download or access some of the video files given as text files. I have provided an image for the text file. I would like if you give the steps.


The text files are M3U8 playlist with an expiration date of 24 hours. So, if the content was imported i.e. in 18th July, you have 24 hours to download it using VLC or yt-dlp. If the link expires, you won't be hable to download it, unless you flag the video and hope for the best for the importer bot to re-import it again. This is frustrating, but beggars can't be choosers.

For more info see >>20989 (this section should ve moved to the main site IIRC, almost no one uses the board to "inform" themselves.)

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The things this faggot does makes my blood boil. Instead of linking the videos on his actual Patreon posts he only sends them via DM or email.

Unless I am missing something?

Pic unrelated, I don't have my reaction images folder anymore.


FUCK I forgot to set the title of this thread, it was supposed to be 'Shit that makes your blood boil, the thread'


I see you are new to paywalls. This is a common practice and far from the scummiest; in fact, simps paying more and more only encourage them to make it worse, it's almost like paying a rapist to rape you harder because you enjoy getting raped. Or it's just attention whores with a lot of money to throw away ruining it all for everyone else.

Please enjoy your stay and make sure to bring more guns next time. You'll need them.


KP's DMs search not filtering/searching usernames doesn't help either.

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I recently uploaded my session ID, but kemono didn't uodate my subscription after days.


given that none of my fanbox favorites have updated since the start of july, I assume there have been technical issues. Likely related to the fact I recently get prompted to complete a captcha when visiting fanbox as opposed to never before. Hopefully it's not dead dead, and just needs time for fixing and working around.


Indeed,the latest fanbox subscriptions updated at the end of the June.Hope it will fixed soon.


The copium is strong, it's not coming back.
Sorry, Cloudflare is too powerful.

Who'd have thought Cloudflare would defeat a wannabe furry pirate website with a captcha TOPKEK

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Aren't the admins for coomer and kemono the same?
If so they are fucking gone lmao


Update haps on kemono and dangpa as well. No updates on many artists for some time now.



This is not a request thread, niggerfaggot. Go beg somewhere else.


>Can I demand which artist would I like to have been updated?
You can but you're just going to be told to not be so fucking cheap and import it yourself



Eat a dick nigger.


I would ban your ass for requesting but I'm just going to play with your beloved creators and then have Discord do their job.

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