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/coomer/ - coomer.party

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It'll be done when I am done.
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Videos are constantly freezing every time can you please fix this problem.

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Requesting is NOT allowed.

Doing so will grant you a 3 month ban from this board.

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Anyone noticed that coomer has stopped index and update? what is going on, is this ever happened before?


I need to know about it. No one can import?


No luck importing fansly and probably not OF either


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Okay, now Fansly import is "working" but it's trying to import accounts I either follow or once subscribed to (can't tell which), not just my active subscriptions. It gets to a certain point and starts over.

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They could create a tool so that any user could block these accounts that only have fake content or content that we don't like.

And videos could also have their duration in the description, so that users who don't want to watch 3-second videos don't waste their time.

These are just ideas, I don't know anything about them and I don't even know if it's difficult to do something like that, thanks.


it's insane


how about an option to change the quality of a video? i don't need a 2k or 4k video (big file) 720p is more than enough for me (smaller size)


Hi do you have any idea why the videos keeps freezing a lot?


Doesn't make sense for Coomer to get into multiple video quality territory. They are getting the best source from OF and hosting it for us.

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I tried logging in my previous coomer account but it didn't worked. I also created 2 - 3 new accounts but after logging out I am unable to log in again. Is anyone facing this problem?


Thought I was the only one having this issue, glad to know that I'm not.


I came here specifically to look up a solution to this. I also made a new account, logged out and couldn't get back in. Password correct cause auto filled in and everything


I found the solution. The site doesn't support Capital letters. Type your username not like FurryLover7656 but furrylover7656 and it should work.

Shoutout to support for not helping me at all and instead insulting me so I had to look into it myself. Even included a screenshot showing my username with capital letters and they didn't mention anything about it.

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atleast till before she move to onlyfans

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Please Update


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Please add more Mett0606 content in coomer (fantia and onlyfans)

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'ELI5' just a dude with minimal computer knowledge who wants to download a whole library worth of "gummyhead00"
Is there a quick method instead of going one by one 'saving as' ?
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It's broken right now. 403's for all media. The workaround is pulling cookies out of browser but that's a pain. Why are there openapi docs if it's going to be such a pain? I guess it's a problem with DDOS guard?


1. Download the latest version of gallery-dl from github (github.com/gdl-org/builds/releases), the one that says "gallery-dl_windows.exe"
2.- Download this extension to extract the cookies from your browser (chromewebstore.google.com/detail/get-cookiestxt-locally/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc)
3.- Go to coomer.su, click Extensions (top right), Export all cookies, a file should be downloaded
4.- Press Windows + R and type "CMD" then enter, then type "cd Downloads" or wathever your downloads folder is named
5.- type "gallery-dl_windows –cookies "cookies.txt" [The URL of the coomer.su creator you want to download]" then enter
after that it should start printing the contents that its downloading, and create a folder inside your downloads folder named "gallery-dl", just go inside and follow until you find the folder named with your creator, all the contents will be placed there.


>you must be logged in to do that




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Mursuiter thread!

Females part 1:




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bump :3



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