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/coomer/ - coomer.party

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It'll be done when I am done.
18 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


There's this issue that after playing a video the video's audio keeps on playing even though the video was completely closed
Search also doesn't work when this happens

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Requesting is NOT allowed.

Doing so will grant you a 3 month ban from this board.

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The site doesnt load at all for me, and havent for a couple weeks now.

Any of you experiencing the same thing?
12 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


403 > Api ban from DDoS-Guard, try to load the creators.txt or whatever page gave you the error manually first.

502 > if you are in norway finland and etc, your routing will take you to russia where we are currently blocked, only way to fix is vpn.



Hey that's great but turning off your adblock doesn't work lmao

The site still breaks, idiot.


I'm from Brazil and it's giving me the same error. Banned here too?


>Sorry, we could not verify your browser automatically. Complete the manual check to continue
and doesn't load any fucking captcha

US, no VPN or other bullshit


I'm getting Putin on the phone right now. He has some explaining to do.

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i keep getting 403 response when i use my regular IP, what could be causing this? currently posts only show using a vpn. i'm not using any sort of script.


Site is glitching out and breaking

Admin has to fix it.


Go to this URL:


And wait. Should fix the problem, worked for me.


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Do you know how to fix it when using something like gallery-dl?

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Please also include fanfix into the pages that you fetch from, there are some creators that only have an account on fanfix and i find this unfairrrr that i cnat find their contensts anywyere.


Bumping, admin should look up "OnlyFans alternatives" and add at least some of them
Loyalfans and Manyvids come to mind


manyvids would be goated

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I tried logging in my previous coomer account but it didn't worked. I also created 2 - 3 new accounts but after logging out I am unable to log in again. Is anyone facing this problem?


The site is bugging out

You have to check back every now and again for it to fix itself

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have you guys try turning off your add blocker


Yes. It doesn't work.


So theirs a lot of creators’ profiles now with only advertisements and trashy posts others with free profiles where there is nothing to see. This fills search results with unwanted posts.
Could it be possible to add a function that would exclude a creator and his/her page from appearing in your search results? Or maybe mark them with colour (red?) just like the function of favourites?


There are*


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There should be a way to sort by video length on the creator pages


By which video length?


Good suggestion.

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I keep getting this weird error when I try to go to the page. Am I blocked? I registered earlier while I was at work but didn't have time to complete my registration.


Could be wrong but I was getting this error a while ago and after refreshing the site it gave me a DDoS warning so maybe someone's DDoSing the site again.

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