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/kemono/ - kemono.party

Kemono Development and Discussion
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 No.50438[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Most of you should be celebrating with family.

For failing imports, enable debugging and provide any part the import ID.

Old thread: >>49462
340 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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See here for words on Maintenance and works being performed on the site!
36 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Gumroad is back on the menu, get ya vr assets you fucking furries.

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Requesting is NOT allowed.

Doing so will grant you a 3 month ban from this board.

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So, you've got some questions about the site, and the way it operates? Well, this will be your one-stop location to get answers to the most asked questions on the site's Telegram and Partychan.
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I tried to import something, but it gave me an error and told me to contact staff. What do?

In cases like these, you do exactly that; but before doing that, please try going through the following troubleshooting steps:
1: Check to make sure you used the correct Session_ID. You can find it within this tutorial: https://kemono.party/importer/tutorial
2: Make sure you are logged into your paywall
3: Log out and back into the paywall, then use the new Session_ID
4: If an Internal error occurs, please retry your import
5: If you get an “Error while trying to import (insert post here)”, please contact Kemono staff for assistance.
6: You are not subscribed to anyone. Please subscribe to someone and try again.

Should you want to get in contact for support, the best place would be the telegram chat, as moderation and administration is more active on there.


This is the place to discuss kemono.party, a scraper/leaker site for Patreon, Pixiv Fanbox, SubscribeStar, Gumroad, Discord, DLsite, and Fantia.
1. Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America.
2. Keep it comfy. Avoid uncomfortable topics likely to start arguments. You know what they are.
3. Genuine discussion concerning piracy is welcome, but blatant trolling, flamewars, and bait are not.
4. Do not ask people to update or add creators ("request,") outside of the dedicated sticky. Doing so will result in a ban.
5. Self-promotion and all forms of advertisement are not welcome.
>Wait, what happened to the old board? (paywall.party)
The original Partychan board was made as a collaboration with the administrator of the late ofans.party, who went more or less MIA without warning. I did not control paywall.party, or have access to its servers, so could not fix the issues the board was having.
This new site is 100% controlled by me on Kemono's infrastructure.
>Want to develop or moderate for Kemono? Need to send a bug report?
>Contact me!
DO NOT send me requests.

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>Someone imports a Patreon
>Creator says to go to Discord for the full images in every single post
>Whoever is importing doesn't do the Discord
>They are literally importing literally nothing every single time due to ignoring the fucking Discord
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>Someone imports a Patreon
>a Patreon

Go to the import page. Do you see the bit where it asks you which Patreon you want to import?

Me neither.


Do you expect people who unnecessarily pay for shitty paywalled porn to share with others to also spend time importing every fucking paid channel in shitty Discords because the Discord importer is dogshit?

Just report their porn servers to Discord to send them somewhere else. Unless it's SubscribeStar or Afdian. Oops. Blame the artists for doing this, that's not the uploader's fault.


in all honesty why are patreoners such faggots?
on fanbox, there's almost never external content


yeah for some reason you get 10x better service pirating than paying for it


they do it to prevent or at least complicate pirating, duh
and since this thread exists, it's proof that what they do is working.
how can you say you get 10x better service pirating in a thread literally complaining about pirating not working or not being done right?

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Can someone please update AliceBunnie's Discord?


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captchas were just a simple single-click verification
>fast forward to now
captchas ask for you to do the "select stairs" bullshit and they'll often make you do it 3 times in a row

Fuck niggers bro. Make the captcha normal again, this is so annoying
Also make it have a damn grace period so you don't have to do this bullshit for every single post


no lol


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Too many patreon artists has locked their contents through a third-party website like itch.io or through MEGA link with passwords. The importer fully aware of this, why they’re only uploaded the regular posts without the locked files? It makes the updates became useless


They're not uploading the files as well because they can't. That's not how Kemono works.

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Is there any way to somehow receive notifications of new posts or changes to old posts from a particular author? Some authors change the link to their archives some time after importing them into kemono. That makes the links that are still left on Kemono just not work, I would like to know immediately about importing a change or adding a post to quickly download it before the author changes the link
14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Only flagged posts get reimported. Creators doing this thoroughly check the entire page. That's how they blank out their pages and that's one of the reasons kemono has revisions.

Revisions won't revive dead links.


not listening to a resident thread schizo

>Only flagged posts get reimported
i know? thats what i said in my reply without stating the obvious of flagging.


That attitude isn't going to get you much help.


im not op autist


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What’s the point of updates. If the importer literally posts the existent post, without attached the locked files from other websites. Again why the importer didn’t manually import the files too?

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